Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Written during my early novel lecture this afternoon, and 0233!

There are places I never thought my mind would go that I live in now. It's not about trying to get attention from people, because if it was I'd tell someone. There are patterns in this world that are finally making me believe in God, and you'd think that'd make me more hopeful, but it doesn't really. My opinion of people falls a little lower every day. Perhaps this seems cliché to you, but it doesn't feel that way when you've spent your whole life thinking the best of people, forgiving them when they fuck up, and looking to your own heart and future with optimism and gusto. Things are only cliché when they happen to someone else.
Things here will come to a head soon, I will return home and heal. Either I'll come back in the fall, or I won't. I will push through the unpleasantness of the next two weeks to the sunshine on the other side. I will walk away from the errors of this year with my head held high and my eyes fully focused on the path stretched out in front of me, and I will let the weight of this unnecessary mass of humanity slip underneath the surface of my memory to dissolve into a blankness from which my freedom will emerge, I will breathe in deeply and step into the light.

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